NYT Comment on Biodiversity Loss

Martin Alexander
1 min readMar 3, 2022

I can say with almost certainty that the Biodiversity loss in California is directly related to our population growth & “development” of land.

In my life, CA’s population grew by more than 10 Million people & I watched in real time as open fields and natural land were converted into suburbs, restaurants, stores, “areas of commerce” and parking lots.

Hiking trails & regional parks went from places to get away, to influencer destinations & popular attractions.

& most importantly, housing prices has skyrocketed. While this is also related to wealthy people & corp. owning multiple houses(which must be addresses via taxation), it is also heavily related to population growth.

We can’t keep growing if want to maintain a good quality of life.

The indigenous peoples of CA took measures to stop population growth, they knew that to live a sustainable lifestyle with nature, you can’t keep growing you population & consuming more.

Let us learn from the indigenous people & take legislative action to stop population growth in the US.

PS: if you think the economy depends on population growth, ask yourself, “how long can this go own & who does it benefit the most?”. You know we can’t grow forever. Large land owners & developers benefit the most.

Using population growth to grow the economy is a ponzi!

